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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Strategy Plan of Hockey

  • Field of Play
  • A field hockey field, often called the “pitch,” has some important markings:
  • Sideline: Boundary along the length of the field. Balls that cross the sideline result in a side-in.
  • End line: Boundary along the width of the field. Balls that cross the end line result in a long hit,penalty corner, or 16-yard hit. The goal-line is the part of the end line between the goal posts.
  • Center line: Divides the field in half.
  • 25-yard line: Intentional fouls between this line and the end line result in a penalty corner.
  • Striking circle: For a goal to count, shots must be taken from within the striking circle or deflect off an offensive player within the circle. Also called the “D.” Fouls within the circle result in penalty corner. The 5-yard mark is five yards outside of the circle and penalty corners end when the ball crosses this line.
  • Penalty stroke line: Penalty strokes are taken from this mark.
  • Substitution area: Substitutions may take place during the game through this area only. The player must exit the field before her replacement enters the field.
  • There are 11 players on the field per team, including the goalie and 10 field players. Formations often consist of four forwards, three halfbacks, three fullbacks, and one goalkeeper, known as a 4-3-3 formation. Variations, such as the 5-3-2, are also used, depending on the coach’s strategy.
  • Forwards: Primary scorers who spend most of their time between the midfield and the opponent’s goal.
  • Midfielders: Must be able to play both defense and offense and have the stamina to run the field in the transition between offense and defense. Also called “links.”
  • Fullbacks: Primarily defend the opposing forwards and attempt to clear the ball when it gets close to the goal. Some coaches assign a single defender, called a “sweeper,” who plays closest to her own goal behind the fullbacks.
  • Goalie: Stands in front of goal to block shots with her body and stick. Must have quick reflexes and ability to communicate defensive strategies to teammates
  • 16-yard hit: Free hit for the defense 16 yards from the goal after an offensive player hits the ball over the end line.
  • Add-10: For delaying the game, such as a defender standing closer than five yards away during a free hit, the free hit is advanced 10 yards up the field.
  • Advancing: Penalty for field player hitting the ball with any part of the body.
  • Bully: Used to restart play when possession is unclear when play was stopped (e.g. injury timeout). Two opposing players start with their sticks on the ground, the ball is placed between them, and they must tap sticks above the ball before they can play the ball.
  • Center pass: Pass from midfield used to start each half and following all goals. “Free hit” rules apply. Also called “pass-back.”
  • Clearing: Hitting the ball away from the goal on defense, usually as a pass up the field.
  • Cross: Passing the ball in front of the opponent’s goal to create a scoring opportunity. Also called “centering.”
  • Dangerous play: Play that could likely result in injury, such as pushing, tripping, or raising the ball at an opponent who is less than five yards away.
  • Dribble: Moving while alternating the ball from the right side of the body to the left side of the body to elude defenders.
  • Drive: A hard hit made with the swinging motion of the stick.
  • Flagrant foul: Intentionally rough or dangerous play. Player is issued a red card and ejected from the game.
  • Flick: Pass or shot using the wrists to put force behind the ball to raise it off the ground.
  • Free hit: Awarded after most penalties. Defenders must stand five yards from the ball until it is played.
  • Hit: Any contact with the ball using a swinging motion of the stick. A hard hit is called a drive.
  • Long hit: Free hit for offense from the corner, following an unintentional hit over the end line by the defense. Also called “long corner” or “corner hit.”
  • Marking: Guarding an opponent.
  • Misconduct: Penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct, including dangerous play, using obscene language, or taunting. Results in a green card (warning), yellow card (5-minute suspension), or red card (player disqualification). When players are suspended or disqualified, their team must play with fewer members.
  • Obstruction: Penalty for using the body or stick to prevent opponents from pursuing the ball. “Third party obstruction” is called for blocking an opponent so a teammate can play the ball.
  • Penalty corner: Offensive free hit from the endline, 10 yards from the goal, usually following a foul inside the striking circle. Offensive players must be outside the striking circle until the ball is hit, and the offense must control the ball before it can shoot. The defense is allowed five players behind the end line; all other defenders must be behind the center line. A penalty corner ends when the defense takes possession of the ball, the ball crosses over the 5-yard mark outside the striking circle, or the ball exits the striking circle twice. Also called “short corner.”
  • Penalty stroke: Free one-on-one shot from the penalty stroke line awarded when a foul prevents a likely goal. The goalie must remain behind the goal line until the ball is hit.
  • Push: Method of moving or passing the ball in which the stick is in contact with the ball and the ground as the player pushes the ball up the field.
  • Raised ball: Flicking, scooping, and chipping the ball into the air are legal. Undercutting or hitting that leads to dangerous play are penalties.
  • Scoop: Method of passing or shooting the ball by leveraging the stick underneath the ball to pick it up and fling it through the air.
  • Side-in: Free hit awarded to a team after the opponent hits the ball out of bounds over the sideline. Also called “hit-in” or “push-in.”
  • Striker: The player who shoots the ball.
  • Tackle: Defensive effort to take the ball away from an opponent.
  • Undercutting: Penalty for a hard swing of the stick under the ball to raise it into the air.

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